
Shooting a .50 Cal Bullet Down A Shotgun Barrel

Shooting a .50 Cal Bullet Down A Shotgun Barrel Richard Ryan from the YouTube channel Full Mag loves to shoot things. Particularly with firearms. He’s exploded and shot so many things in his life. Also, now?
His objective for shooting something with a weapon?
A firearm! Believe it or not. Ryan’s thought is to endeavor to shoot a .50 gauge rifle DOWN the barrel of a shotgun. It takes him lasers and sights and his eye over two hours to set things up. Furthermore, he winds up obliterating TWO shotguns… But the outcomes?
Epic! Affirm, so there won’t not be an excessive number of things on the planet that hold up well to a .50 round, however you can add a pump action shotgun to the rundown without a doubt.

Shooting a .50 Cal Bullet Down A Shotgun Barrel Shooting a .50 Cal Bullet Down A Shotgun Barrel Reviewed by AFL Latest on April 26, 2017 Rating: 5
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